- Are these prices fir offers? 是实价吗?
- Are these prices wholesale or retail? 这些价格是批发价还是零售价?
- Are these prices for your domestic customers? 这些价格是你们的国内价吗?
- I see, but are these price for the domestic customer? 我明白了,但是这些价格是提供给国内客户的吗?
- Are these prices firm offers? 这是标准价格吗?
- These prices are unrealistically high. 这些价格高得太离谱了。
- Are these Mary's pens? No, they are not hers. 这些是玛丽的笔吗?不,它们不是她的。
- All of these prices are American dollars. 所有的价格都是以美元标价的。
- These prices are FOB(Free on Board) prices. 此为FOB(船上交货)价格。
- These prices are FOR(Free on Rail) prices. 此为FOR(车上交货)价格。
- Mai: All of these prices are American dollars. 梅:所有的价格都是以美元标价的。
- Are these lettuces home-grown or did you buy them in the market? 这些生菜是自家种的呢,还是你在市场上买的?
- These prices are subject to variation. 上列价格可能变更。
- These prices are FAS(Free alongside Ship) prices. 此为FAS(船边交货)价格。
- These prices are subject to your order . 这些价格取决于你们的订货。
- Are these stockings machine-made? 这些袜子是机器织的吗?
- These price have be marked up by 10%. 这种物价已提价了10%25。
- We thank you for your sample submited,but we hane already bought lower; are these the best price you can offer? 谢谢寄来的样品,但我方已采购到价格较低廉的商品。请告贵公司的报价能否下降?
- How much are these houses going for nowadays? 现在这些房子的售价是多少?
- Are these made in this workshop? 这些都是在这个车间制造的吗?